Optical Camouflage Smoking Area designed by SEMBA Corporation (Japan)
This initiative aimed to explore a new approach to smoking areas, focusing on improving smoker etiquette and fostering coexistence between smokers and non-smokers. In 2020, Japan implemented legislative changes and strengthened regulations, aimed at preventing passive smoking. Smoking areas failing to meet specified standards were removed, resulting in a decrease in outdoor smoking spaces.
Exhibited the project at DESIGNART TOKYO, one of the largest design and art festivals in Japan. During the entire exhibition period, the designers themselves gave live presentations on site, critically appealing their messages and attempting new sustainable activities to expand the project LIVE.
Henderson LUMINA GUANGZHOU- Ribbon LED Project designed by NOMURA Co.,Ltd (Japan)
The Henderson Land Group has launched LUMINA, a brand promoting a new urban lifestyle, and the first project, Henderson LUMINA GUANGZHOU, opened on December 28, 20022. NOMURA was responsible for video planning and production, with the aim of creating a space where customers can "enjoy the brand experience while being entertained."
SC Business Fair 2023 NOMURA booth designed by NOMURA Co.,Ltd (Japan)
The book, "Shiawase na kukan wo tsukurou. [Let's Create a Happy Space.]" was published to commemorate NOMURA’s 130th anniversary. The place was designed for business communication while mainly promoting the book.