While a growing number of hybrid work styles, induced by social changes, no longer limit where you work, we wanted to update the role of office to a place that accelerates creativity and connect people on a deeper level. To this end, we focused on the various ways people interact, and aimed to provide an environment that accelerates the transition to new work experiences.
We assigned a theme for each of the 3 floors – “cultivate”, “create”, and “inspire” - applying different optimal approaches for connection and provided suitable spaces and technologies that help connect management with jobsites, corporate vision with businesses, and businesses with end-users. Each floor employs different design code that signifies the goal image.

Inside the 40-year-old architecture with unique features we inserted a simple volume, sliced it in half, and created a large roof, which invites people to gather underneath. Our aim was to provide an environment where management and employees can connect on a deeper level and envision the future of the company together while respecting the company’s history and highlighting the contrast between the old and the new.
We divided the space into equal grids and aligned mobile pipe-frame furniture to create flexible project booths. The cross-shaped lamps can be individually operated as a sign indicating the status of each project. Project teams on this floor are to interact and grow together through friendly rivalries. The space encourages interdepartmental connection as a nurturing ground for business growth.
Plain white walls with random cut-outs loosely partition the floor. The cut-out openings look like doors, windows, or viewfinders framing the activities beyond the walls. Framed scenes inspire new ideas for development or promotion that enforce the connection with end-users.

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